Weekly letters - #18
Updated: Dec 29, 2022
Dear reader,
Hope you are all doing well. This week went well for me. My dad visited us and stayed at home for a week. We went to an ayurvedic hospital located in a gorgeous place. That place has everything like cheerful people with ample and abundant hearts, trees, animals, flowers, and water. The smell of that place is fresh and comforting. It's pleasant for me, to begin with. Visiting this place gave me hope and courage.
I received a few letters from my friend, but I didn't reply to her due to a skin allergy and other reasons. Even though I am aware that there isn't much to say in these weekly letters, a lengthy gap makes it harder for me to write. The flow that I once had is now crumbling. So, I made the solid decision not to give up writing, regardless of what could occur that particular week, whether it be boring or enjoyable.
These days, the climate is warm. My parents are leaving for Telangana tomorrow. Thus my sister and I will be living alone in the house the following week. It was the first time I had ever lived alone with my sister. I'm intrigued by how it works, but I'm also little bit skeptical. Learning new languages was challenging, and learning Japanese was particularly difficult.
Simply put, I frequently forget the alphabet. I often feel perplexed. Numerous letters share a similar form while having different sounds. Positively, I could read short Japanese quotes, names, a few animals, and particular objects. I learned to write the word "manga." It is freaking amazing to learn that word.
It's all from me now. Thank you for reading, and I hope you found it interesting. I wish you a wonderful week. I'll see you later. Bye.
love yourself
Vidya :)